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Performance Management, Talent Management

You are a Superstar Employee. Now Write an Awesome Self-Appraisal

By Elizabeth Magill , April 6th, 2018

It’s that time of the year again. And we’re not talking about summertime. It’s your performance review time. While you’re reflecting on warmer weather and barbecues, it’s also time to reflect on the things you did on the job well, and those areas that need some tweaking.

What is the Self-Appraisal?

The self-appraisal, also known as reviewing yourself, the self-evaluation, self-review, and self-assessment, is your opportunity to remind your boss of your accomplishments and growth.

Whatever name you choose to call it, it’s also a great tool for identifying discrepancies in how you see your work performance versus how your boss does. It also lets your boss know where you think your performance has fallen short, and where you want to grow and improve your skills.

Undoubtedly, though, it’s difficult to write about yourself in a praising manner; you don’t want to sound like you are bragging, showing off, or tooting your own horn, if you will. This is one of the most common reasons why so many people have difficulty writing their self-assessments.

Why are Self-Assessments Important?

The most obvious reason why a self-assessment is important is because it allows your employer to see all of the things that you have achieved over the course of the year and how you have turned mistakes into valuable lessons.

However, it’s crucial to realize that these assessments aren’t only important for your employer, but they are also a way for you to take accountability for documenting all that you have achieved and all that you have learned over the course of a year.

They also serve an important role because your superiors may be able to recall some of your most notable accomplishments (and even your biggest botches), it’s impossible for them to remember everything.

Self-assessments achieve two things:

  1.       They let your manager know your strengths and accomplishments.
  2.       They pinpoint discrepancies between your view and your superior’s view of your performance.

Attributes of a Well-Written Self-Assessment

In order for a self-assessment to be deemed well-written and effective, it should contain the following attributes:

  • Clearly states objectives of your job.
  • Pinpoints your most significant achievements and why those achievements are so important.
  • Highlights when your actions were an important factor in your success.
  • Highlights challenges that you faced and ways that you can improve your performance.

Be Prepared to Share and Discuss

Once you have composed your self-assessment, be prepared to share it with your superior and discuss it. This is often more difficult than actually writing the assessment itself; however, sharing and discussing it is crucial for your future career success.

The Takeaway

Your self-evaluation is key to revealing a complete picture of your performance as an employee. It is a crucial component to your self-development, and helps propel you forward in your career.

So, don’t take your self-appraisal lightly. Take your time completing it, and reflect on both your challenges and successes. Your manager will be able to tell whether you rushed through it or gave it some serious attention.

Include examples and put thought into your words. When possible, provide concrete, measurable descriptions of your accomplishments, and tie them into the results of your organization. Lastly, suggest specific areas where you can improve, and include action steps to achieve goals.

Then, use all that you have reflected upon and documented to have a meaningful, productive discussion with your boss during your performance evaluation session.


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