Category: Human Resources

Human Resources Tools & Technology

Affordable Talent Management Solutions for Smaller Companies

By Bill W. , March 14th, 2018

Are you an HR professional trying to fill your company’s recruitment and talent management solutions by using outdated internal talent development models? Are you stuck with long-range planning models from the 1980’s, when today’s markets are changing almost overnight? If

Employee Engagement Rewards & Recognition

The Pitfalls of Using Selective Praise With Employees

By Bill W. , March 13th, 2018

Dale Carnegie, in his classic work How to Win Friends and Influence People, discusses how Charles Schwab was able to motivate his employees to achieve excellence. He quotes Schwab as saying, “I am anxious to praise but loath to find

Human Resources

Does an Unlimited Vacation Policy Thwart Employee Engagement or Help It?

By Elizabeth Magill , March 6th, 2018

Unlimited vacation policies are most commonly found at small companies, but it’s still a rare benefit, experts report. Only one percent of companies offer employees an unlimited number of paid vacation days, according to the Society for Human Resource Management’s

Human Resources Talent Management

Engaged Workers Don’t Mind Mondays

By Elizabeth Magill , March 2nd, 2018

File this in the folder of things business managers already knew, but a validation from science and research certainly helps: for the most part, workers don’t particularly care for Mondays. Coming back to work after a fun-filled or relaxing weekend

Human Resources Talent Acquisition

New Study Reveals Employers Like Mature Workers

By Elizabeth Magill , February 25th, 2018

Conventional wisdom has stated that employers prefer younger workers. However, a recent study conducted by Adecco, a prominent Switzerland-based HR consulting firm, surveyed 501 hiring managers and discovered that they were much more inclined to hire mature workers (those over

Human Resources Talent Acquisition Strategy

5 Ways to Overcome a Talent Shortage

By Elizabeth Magill , February 22nd, 2018

As if recent economic concerns weren’t enough to keep businesses and organizations busy thinking outside the box for recruiting major talent, the new reality is that many fields are facing critical shortages when it comes to skilled workers. Some of